Sunday, July 17, 2016

2 Weeks

Dear Violet,

You had a lot of visitors today.  The Urot 5 (Jed, Michelle, Madison, Jed Furious, and Jeo Money) and the Intintolis (Anthony, Rita, Matteo, and Luca) came to visit you here at the apartment in Albany.  Oh by the way, this is my first letter to you.  I wanted to start with day 1, but better late than never.  I'll write you more letters as time goes on, especially about your first days with us.

I'm not sure about how the content of these letters will play out, little one.  It's going to be part letter to you, part journal.  I usually free write and let my thoughts flow out.  At times, it can seem to be verbal diarrhea, and other times, it can be very concise and thought provoking, and at times cathartic to a fault.  I'm assuming you 'll be reading these long into the future from now.  In any case, I digress; onwards to today.

The Urots and Intintolis are some of my oldest friends.  I'm 46yo as of this writing, and I met Jed and Anthony when I was 14yo.  So yes, 32 years, I've been friends with them.  Today was a great day to see them and for them to meet you.  Being friends with them this long, there are times when we have had our rough patches, and not gotten along through the years, but we always manage to find our way back.  Exactly what happened escapes my memory at the moment, but suffice to say, that we have grown up together, through our formative years as kids, then young adults, and now as parents.  People don't always get along all the'll find that out soon enough....but here's lesson #1;  what matters most is the present moment, and today, they came to visit you to celebrate your arrival.  They truly are my ride and die friends.

Your mother and I ordered 2 pizzas, 1 from Mountain Mike's, and the other from Domino's.  With the number of people coming over along with lunch for your Mom, myself and your Kuya Darien, we were going to need it.

The Urots brought us Chicken Tinola, Turon, and a Happy Birthday cupcake for you.  I know you can't eat that yet, but ask your're going to love it.

The Intintolis came to visit on their way back home to San Carlos.  They just arrived from a vacation in Hawaii at the infamous Aulani Disney Resort.

As you'll learn, your Mom is a big Disney fan.  Annnnd, I guess I'm going to learn to be.  Don't mind me, I was a Mickey fan when I was a small kid, I just have my preferences after all my adventures thus far in life.  Disney is definitely something you have to experience, and you will when the time comes.  But I'd like you to see it in grand fashion....the 5 parks of Disney World in Florida.  I've never been much for beaten paths, and my much as Disneyland defines Disney....everyone goes there;  this family is built for adventure, so I hope we will be going to places not often seen.

Your Mom, along with me and Kuya Darien's help, took your 2-week pictures today that are going to be used for your birth announcement.  There is social media, and everyone knows you through there...but there's nothing like good old snail mail to someone to the important people in your life.  Don't worry, you look adorable.

With regards to what you've done after 2 weeks; here's what we've observed;  you're starting to grow.  Your hair is thicker and longer, when you do stay awake, you are staying awake longer.  You coo a lot when you sleep, and so far you're a great baby.  What I mean by that is, you're not fussy to a point that your mother and I have to expend too much energy.  Sure there's the feedings every 3-4 hours, and you do cry, but only when you're hungry and when your diaper needs a change.  This week, we've noticed that you are starting to track things that move with your eyes.  I'm sure your vision is changing from black and white blurry images, to something more spontaneous.

That's it for now.  We'll talk again soon.


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