Monday, August 1, 2016

1 month

Dear Violet,

Remarkable things I observed for today.  Your mother was feeding you a lot, more often than the every 3-4 hours, and usually when you began to be fussy because she thought you were hungry.  That may or may not be the case, but one data point does not a pattern make.  We will see how it goes.  When you have your next check up, I think your growth is going to be well above the curve.

The thought I have had while observing you on a day to day basis, is that every day is a first, and a last.  You have definitely grown in the last month, and progressed with your development, though seeing you in person, it's not very noticeable.  It is when I see the pictures and videos that we've taken of you thus far.  You are definitely growing.  Your hair is thicker, your newborn clothes are a little bit more snug, and your adorable cheeks are puffy and then not from day to day.

I find myself already missing this part of your life.  As every day passes, you grow, change...soon, you will be walking, talking, being more cognizant of the world you now live in; and the little infant that you are now, will be gone.

Things that I'll always remember are the way you get milk-drunk after breast feeding.  I mean, you really get milk-drunk and drowsy.  After your long naps, you stretch by raising both of your arms straight over your head, and you arch your back, and give a prolonged "unnnnngh";  when you cry...i mean really breaks my heart.  Your voice is so little, and when we calm you down, you are still trembling with angst, while holding back your cry, your face flushed with distress, your eyes black as onyx, with little tears running down your face.

That's it for tonight.  I have to work tomorrow, and my mind is a bit empty for writing.  My thoughts think about what I need to do for work tomorrow, and they are also with your Lolo and Lola.

Life at my station in life right now Violet is complicated....but also it's not.  You being here, definitely helps focus that, and your growth and development are the priority.  My efforts to see that through, with love, compassion, and laughter, make the tasks clear.  It's familiar territory (I have Bayani to thank for that, I will tell you about him later) and I enter this phase of my life calmly and assured that life really is just beginning.


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