Friday, April 5, 2019

My Modus Operandi For You

I first posted this on Facebook a few months before you were born, Violet.  It is, remains, and always will be my promise to you.

When I was first asked about how I felt about you being in my life, I replied (as trite as it sounds) that you would be a complete blessing; but you always have been of course.  The real question that bodes is whether I was ready for you.

For a long time, I could not answer that question definitively.  But before I could answer that, there were questions I needed to answer for myself.  I worked for a long time and very hard to answer this for myself, and eventually for you.

This world can be an overwhelming place;  nothing ever goes by plan and in my time here I've encountered times that I've found difficult to navigate; there is unbelievable hardship, pain, and tears involved...

....bu there is also so much joy, happiness, and laughter here as well.

Your mother and I have always been penchants for adventure, whether it's jumping on planes to explore faraway places, or just being in the same room, spending time together, and have a world open up right in front of us.

I'm beyond elation that you're on your way to join us in this adventure; there are so many things I want to teach you, and I'm just as excited about the things you're going to teach me.

For all the joy, happiness, and laughter, I will be here to laugh and smile next to you...and for all the hardship and pain, I'll be here to hold you and wipe away your tears.


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